Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Riley's First Doctor's Visit

Riley had her first well baby appointment yesterday and we absolutely loved her pediatrician! Not only did she comment on what a "cute kid" Riley is (which we already knew of course!!), but she spent a long time chatting with us and made us feel comfortable and confident as new parents. At 7 lbs 14 oz. Riley is in the 34th percentile in weight, so we are going to work on feeding her as much as possible to get her back to her birth weight of 8 lbs. As for height, she seems to be longer than average at 21.5 inches and her head size is in the 75th percentile (not a shock for those of you who know the Gosa genes...). All in all she was deemed a perfect, healthy baby. Yeah Riley!

Two Weeks Already...

Riley's Week Two Photos

On Monday Riley celebrated her two week birthday...we Gosa's like to celebrate every chance we get! It's been two weeks full of excitement for Riley, Ramsey and me. We enjoyed quality time with Gammy and Pop Pop (Jess's parents) and learned how to get out and about in San Francisco. Some of our favorite activities included shopping at Nordstrom with Gammy (mainly because they have an AMAZING women's lounge for nursing...very convenient for the new mom), eating lunch out at various cafes, frequenting local pizza and burger joints for dinner, and strolling through the mall and Noe Valley window shopping.
Gammy and Pop Pop have returned to the East Coast for now and Riley misses them already. They are a blessing in our lives and are present everyday even though they are across the country.

Riley also enjoyed a visit from Te Te and Grandmommy (Ramsey's parents) on Sunday afternoon and hadn't seen them since the day she was born. She was very well-behaved...took a long nap on Te Te's shoulder and even enjoyed a quiet dinner at Haystacks pizzeria before saying goodbye to her grandparents. We look forward to many visits to see them in Elk Grove as well as more opportunities to welcome them into our home here in the city.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Riley Week 1 Photos

Click on the link below to see photos of Riley's first week:

Card from Aunt Vonne

We just received a beautiful card from Jess's Aunt Vonne that we both feel truly encapsulates how we feel about our new little one. It said the following:

SOMEDAY, she'll be a famous pianist
or a high school science teacher.
She'll settle down, marry, have a couple of kids.
Maybe she won't

SOMEDAY, she'll help millions of people
all over the world.
Or maybe she'll travel,
send letters from Africa
or phone you from Rome.

SOMEDAY, she'll be a strong, confident woman...

...but you will always remember
the first time 
you held her in your arms.

SOMEDAY, she'll have her own hopes and dreams,
not knowing that once upon
a quiet time, you closed your eyes
and dreamed
to have her in your life. 

Welcome Riley!

On April 13th, at 8:52am, a healthy, 8 pound, Riley Sarah Musallam was born! We were extremely lucky and honored to have Jess's mom and our Doula present for the birth. Their support, knowledge and constant optimism made all the difference! Riley is blessed to enter the world with two sets of loving Grandparents, 3 Uncles, 2 Aunts, 3 Cousins, and many more loving family members and friends. Yeah Riley!