Saturday, August 8, 2009

True Colors

So, as Riley approaches her 4 month birthday, she is showing us some of the more typical baby behaviors that we had only heard about from other parents in the past. Things like fussiness, fighting naptime, unpredictability in eating/sleeping, and inconsistent eating habits were mythical baby behaviors that Ramsey and I have assumed were out of the question for our little angel...until now!

Although Riley is still cute as a button, smiley with all living things, cuddly and generally a great baby, she has begun to test us a bit lately. One big contributing factor is probably the fact that she is teething, obvious by her new ability to find room in her mouth for just about anything! From cloth blankies and passies to plastic and rubber toys, if it passes by the general vicinity of her mouth, it is in there! Her favorite teething toy is "Sophie the Giraffe", whom you will see in pictures and is the new craze here in San we walked by a couple with a 1 1/2 year old today they said hello to Riley and then also to Sophie.

Aside from sketchy sleep at night and some fussiness, we've had a great week or two with our little kiddo. We spent some time with the Musallams in Elk Grove to celebrate Riley's TeTe's birthday, as well as Great Auntie Diana's birthday. It was wonderful seeing her with family that hadn't met her yet and as usual, Tete and Grandmommy welcomed us into their home, filled us up with delicious food, and snuck Riley out of our hands for strolls around the pond and quiet time in the sun.

Finally, a treasure that Riley and I have grown to love is our weekly meeting with our Mom's and Babies group, established from the couples in our birth class this Spring. There are 7 babies in all and we meet weekly to chat, play with the kids, and discuss the developmental patterns we are seeing in our little ones. Motherhood can be pretty overwhelming and it has become a lifesaver knowing that at least once a week we'll all get to get a little bit of advice and support from people in our shoes. And, let's not is pretty hilarious to line up 7 babies together and see what they do with one another!

To see the lates pictures of Riley, our family, and our friends, click here.

Watch a video of Riley!
Where the Wild Things Are...

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