Sunday, May 10, 2009

My First Mother's Day...and Riley's 1 Month Birthday!

Click here to see this week's pictures...

I read somewhere recently that babies are only called "newborn" during the first month of life and when I realized Riley will be leaving that category I found myself in my first overly-sentimental-mom moment...crying and wishing she would remain a "newborn" forever! Then, of course, I realized that there will be some things to look forward to in the coming weeks, like longer periods of sleep, more activity and awareness, a possible smile at Ramsey or me, and the continued unveiling of the little personality Riley is developing.

This week marked more visits with friends, including Brigid, Amy and Yaz. Our friends Noah and Chantal had their little boy, Fenn, last week, so Riley and I went to visit and bring Chantal said, it was Riley and Fenn's first little "sleepover" together, even though it was at 1 in the afternoon! As we watched both little ones sleep Chantal and I both realized how lucky we are to have great friends who are just embarking on parenthood like we are. Riley also took her first walk in our blue Lascal carrier...and exciting moment for me because I now have a way to carry her which allows me to use my hands freely, unlike the stroller or carseat. After some initial crying, she eventually fell asleep and seemed to be soothed by the bouncing up and down as I walked with her. Finally, this week marked my first Mother's Day, a day to remember for sure!

It began with Ramsey taking Riley first thing in the morning for "time with dad" so that I could get an extra hour or two of sleep...major brownie points for Ramsey!! Upon returning, he and Riley brought me breakfast in bed along with some cards, flowers, and a balloon, all situated so that it looked as if Riley were carrying them! My favorite part of the morning was realizing that Riley's dress was backwards and socks mismatched, then noticing that Ramsey's socks were the same...classic "morning with dad" moment!

We then spent the day at Golden Gate Park lounging in the sun and strolling along the paths. It was a gorgeous day and I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend the day. Our little family of three has many more lazy days in the park to look forward to this Spring and Summer and I can't wait for them!

Happy Mother's Day to all those Moms out there!

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