Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Social Butterfly...with Rockstar Hair!

As I write this I just can't believe Riley is 7 weeks old! Ramsey and I find ourselves watching in amazement as she gets bigger, stronger, and more opinionated by the day...I think she takes after her mother in this last area! We absolutely LOVE being Riley's mom and dad and we laugh when we try to remember how we filled the hours and minutes of each day before she came into our lives.
Click here to see the latest photos of Riley!
Riley made the rounds this week to many social events, was hugged and held by friends and family alike, and proved once again to be a very mellow, social baby. She is really starting to smile at people now, and often sits in my arms just staring up at me with those huge blue eyes...for the first time it really seems like she recognizes Ramsey and I as her parents by our voices and our touch.

One particularly exciting outing was to Stinson Beach, CA...a lovely bit of coastline north of the Golden Gate Bridge that often provides a sunny, warm break from the occasional summer fog in San Francisco. There is nothing like waking up on a May morning to find it foggy and 50 degrees outside, then to drive north just 45 minutes to lie in the sand on an 80 degree beach all day...such is the Bay Area weather!! Although Riley's first beach visit was spent sleeping, it was nice for us to get out of the city with her and enjoy the amazing views on Route 1.

The most intriguing thing we noticed about Riley this week is the tendency for her gobs of hair to go in every direction EXCEPT down! No matter how many baths, hair washings, and brushing sessions we seemed to go through, this little girl's hair is destined to be absolutely crazy most of the day. This morning I had a hat on her on the way to the park because of the cold weather, and despite the assumption that the hat would press her hair DOWN, the moment I took it off the entire backside of her noggin went straight up into what we call her "Hipster Rockstar" look...very urban of her. If you look closely you can see the madness for yourself!!

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